Thursday 22 November 2007

Propaganda Posters

Hi everyone!!! This is my second posting for the Modern World History project in this blog. Let's get started~!
Propaganda is a concerted set of messages aimed at influencing the opinions or behavior of large numbers of people.
We can learn the history past the propaganda, we can see what happened on that time, or who wanted who to do what by looking at the posters.

May 9th, 1945
Angel has come to...Russia
This poster tries to make people think that an angel from haven has come to them.
This poster use an image of a women, with wings, and i big smile on her face.
This poster shows clearly how the country is be, like they was saved by an angel.

Hurrah for the soldier! May 9th, 1945
Someone has been injured - it's Hitler.
They want to show that Hitler has lost the war.
It is showing that Hitler is seriously injured and has a big unhappy looking on his face.
This poster shows the bandages wraped around Hitler's body.

The 9th May 1945
This is a poster of the ending of World War II, it is a "victory day" for Russia, and was a national holiday which remembers the defeat of Nazi Germany.
This poster tries to make people think that, they could also win the war.
This poster shows that a soldiers is happy - they won the was against the Germany.
They really show a good face of the soldier in this picture, it is really clear that he is very happy becuase they won the war.

May 1st of 1920
People - also women are working.
This poster tries to make people think that all people should work.
It shows two men, carrying farming tools, which a women is beside them carrying one of the tools too.
The show what they want the people to do.

October 1917
It wrote: The revolution continues
It wants to let the people knows that the revolution is still being on
They have a picture of a flag with sentence written on it
It uses a plain picture with a sentence on it to let people see it clearly

Telling how much death toll for now: 150,000 people
They want to let the people see how much people died because of not doing the revolution
It shows a picture of people-like-death with a 1500,000 number on it
It shows the emotion on the people's face well